
Kerry Mountjoy

RTT Hypnotherapist
Mindset Coach
Published Author - The FEAR Re-Code 

“If you had a magic wand, what would you wish for? 

Do you find yourself, in the same situation, familiar negative patterns, time and time again, for years, even decades, left wondering, "why does this keep happening to me"? 

In relationships, business, love, family, work, your relationship with money, your mental and emotional well being, happiness, life balance success, that familiar feeling of being stuck. 

Is your inner voice your friend or foe, does it tell you;

"I’m not good enough" 

“Happiness will never be available to me"

"I am different, I just don't fit in" 

"I am not loveable "

“ I AM ”

Two of the most powerful words in the world.
 What words you choose to put after them, shapes your reality!

A Certified RTT Hypnotherapist, Mindset Coach, and Reiki Master, I love facilitaitng the client growth journey from surviving to thriving in life and business.  When working with me, we start with an intial in depth road map consultation, together we explore the primary issue, the root cause of what is causing the problem, blocker, pain in your life.

The typical starting point for impact is on my 8 week "Elevate your Mindset"course, with 2 RTT Hypnotherapy sessions, and powerful weekly 1-1 mindset coaching calls which declutter, re-code,  the mind with new relevant self beliefs, habits and behaviours, with sustainable, longterm results. 
You will learn 5 easy to implement power tools, that will change your life, redirecting your "internal sat nav" for your goals, vision and dreams. 

Most clients feel, see a significant improvement by week 2, many stay working with me for 6 -12 months, on a bepsoke programme's that suits them for massive acceleration  in wealth, health and relationships. 

Clients tell me they feel empowered, re-energised  in their lives, confident, focused, finally ready to take the steering wheel of their own life.
No more sitting in the passenger seat, or even the back seat, of your life any longer, self mastery is the destination. 

When people ask me what makes a great Therapist and Coach, my reply is; 

“A person who has walked their talk, felt the pain, lived a colourful life,  navigated the waves of life. Leads from the front, shows up, no matter what, no excuses arriving on the other side, smiling, successful, happy and grateful.

Certified RTT Hypnotherapist 
Mindset Coach 
Enneagram Graduate – Eli Jaxon Bear – Leela school 
Emotional Mastery Graduate – Sanjay Shah 
Part of the Emotional Mastery Team 
Psychology and Sociology Education
Reiki Master  
Public Speaker 

Education, Training, Growth 

Free Hypnosis  Audio

Subscribe to receive free audo file"DEEP TRANQUIL SLEEP"

RTT Hypnotherapy 

A powerful hybrid technique, of 4 modalities  Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Neurolinguistic Therpay ( NLP) and Neroplascticity
Each 1-1 session, either in person or online both equally powerful  lasts for upto 2 hours, you are fully in control, interactive, you will feel very relaxed like you are drifting off to sleep.
After the session I will weave the information into a bespoke transformational recording that you will listen to for 21 days minimum. 

This is where the subconscious mind, rapid re-codes, reframes and embeds new self beliefs, thoughts behaviours and habits.  SEE FAQ'S for more information 

1-1 Mindset Coaching

Your Mindset Coaching 1-1 sesssions are all about you, for you to share, talk openly, let go in a safe secure, non judgemental  place.

We de- layer, de-clutte the unecesary heavy often critical judgments within the mind, 

I teach you easy to implement 5 Power Tools for life to upgrade and" Elevate Your Mindset", these tools  are a game changer !
We prepare  bespoke, all about you, 8  weeks together, coaching calls, with skills  for you to take away and use for life.

We structure the "road map" ahead for you, to reach your goals, dreams and outcomes. 

"The simple daily choices, you make, create your daily habits, which determines the quality of the life that you have"

About Me  

My humble beginnings are a far cry from the life I have created today, born in inner City Birmingham, to an alcoholic Mother,  we had no money. We moved a lot, from one council estate to another, life was mostly chaotic, and dysfunctional, Dad worked away.My parents were good kind people, but their priorities were drinking and living for today. 
Becoming a mother at 17, moving from one council estate to another, attracting toxic relationships, to being homeless in a hostel aged 27 as a single parent to now 2 children, I was pretty much repeating the same blueprint pattern as in my childhood, not feeling worthy or good enough. 
I felt at an early age there was more for me in life, my parents showed me what I didn’t want, for myself.  I worked a million different jobs, struggled,  stressed so much, to make ends meet, until I discovered my entrepreneurial confidence in 2011, 39 years old.

I invested in 12 months of immersive Property Education, 1-1 coaching , mentoring, I wanted to be in the driving seat of my own life,  be the best role model, show my children what was possible for me and them, create the life and mindset I knew I deserved.
I took a  leap of faith with support from my mentor,over the next 4 years juggling work, kids, house, life I built a portfolio of properties, co- founder and host of a property networking event, coaching and mentoring new property investors, to build their own property business.

All this enabled me to leave my job aged 46 yeras old, and pursue my dream to inspire others, overcome their self limitng, self sabotaging beliefs, low confidence, to reaching their goals, dreams, outcomes and or scale up in their current business. 

Regardless of the strategy or the person I found the common thread, was the same, self belielf, imposter syndrome, stories thoughts from the past,  blocking the path ahead, which brought me to merging these 2 powerful modalities Mindset Coaching and RTT Hypnotherapy.   
I love empowering, witnessing my clients, growth to become people who believe in themselves, we get to the root cause, work through what is really holding you  back from pressing the "go pedal"in life. 

Imagine the feeling of achieving, living, being, evolving into the person, you  really, really want to, and deserve to be.

                                                           "Everything Starts With YOU  
                                                                       It’s all a Beautiful Inside Job" 

Client Feedback  

That was the best 'Yes" of my life. My business and realtionship is transforming into something I could only have dreamt of just 8 weeks ago, I have that excited, grateful feeling back in my life again 

D.P    Birmingham 

Discovery Call

Reserve your free 15  minute "discover more" call.  You can ask as many questions as you like, so you can move forward with confidence. 

                                                                             About You 

We all have 168 hours in a week, every hour,  minute and second is spent with you, you can make the choice to make it the kindest, best place to live, and have fun on the journey, life is not meant to be so serious. 

Liking and loving yourself, make peace and let go of the past, practice being present in this moment, you can learn to embrace your future with excitement.

Imagine what your life could be like, if you got out of your own way, and allowed yourself to make that choice to have it all now, without spending a lifetime of regret. 

As a RTT Hypnotherapist and Mindset Coach, it gives me joy, to work with open minded, motivated clients, facilitating their next steps, to take their lives to the next level, with phenomenal outcomes.

Do you want to massively improve the  relationship with yourself, become more financially succesful in businesses and career, find inner peace, happiness,  joy within and connect with ease to people around you. 


It could be  true that no-one NEEDS a Coach, but people who CHOOSE to work with one, excel with speed in every area of their life. 
You will feel I have a natural ability to build trust with people to build a safe space for you to speak your truth with curiosity. 

My clients know that I care, about them, I see in other people the things they can’t yet see in themselves. 

I create a safe non-judgemental space for you to feel accepted exactly as you are.

You will get so much value from investing in yourself, there’s no-one here to impress, no-one to try to prove yourself to.

In this place, you will get to know who you really are, without the exterior facade. 

Life can be amazing, so why not go for it and ask yourself what it is that you really want, what are you waiting for?

If this resonates, then here’s my invitation to you…

Let’s have a conversation about what would it mean to you, to look back weeks, months, years from now and think, wow I feel amazing, I am happy, I am good enough. 


 Low Confidence 
 Anxiety Issues 
 Athletes Mindset 
 High Performers Blockers 
 Money Blocks
 Business Owners 
 Sugar addiction
 Weigh Loss 
 Achieving Goals
 Quit Smoking
 Healthy Life style 
 Low Self Esteem 
 Fear of Public Speaking 
 Self Love – Self Belief 
 Toxic Relationship Patterns
 Fear of Job Interviews 
 Driving Anxiety 
 Business Growth Blocks 
 Blocks To Success

 Client Feedback 

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